Business Development Officer

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Not stated
1y • 1137 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company!

Closed Negotiable
2y • 1106 views

Business Development Officer

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 1011 views

Procurement Officer

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company

Closed Negotiable
2y • 983 views

Project Coordinator (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Not stated
2y • 809 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Not stated
2y • 848 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 764 views

Socioeconomic Research Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company

Closed Not stated
2y • 808 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 840 views

Civil Engineer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 1008 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 1081 views

Senior HR Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company for the following post.

Closed Negotiable
2y • 888 views

Marketing Officer (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company

Closed Negotiable
2y • 979 views

Planner (Local)

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company

Closed Negotiable
2y • 898 views

Senior Accounts Officer

We are looking for a hard-working and enthusiastic person to join our company

Closed Not stated
2y • 848 views